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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

GFCN Weekly Update - August 29, 2012

Congratulations to those who were baptized on Sunday, August 26, 2012!



 " The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." -Author Unknown



Freddy Guerrero, Rector Seminario Teológico Nazareno Sudamericano, Quito, Equador, (pictured on the right) will be our special guest and speak for us during the AM worship service.  We will hear how God is working on the South American continent and how God is using the Seminary in Quito, Ecuador to prepare men and women for the work of ministry.  Come praying that God will meet with us in a very special way.

Beach Retreat 2012
Students Beach Retreat - Myrtle Beach, SC
The students and their sponsors will be enjoying a beach retreat this weekend, August 31 - September 3,  with Pastor Wes Steisslinger speaking from the book of Philippians. This will be the "official" kick-off of their year and they will spend quality time be ministered to and in ministering to others.  Pastor Wes says, "We are anticipating an exciting weekend!"

The trip is from 6:00 pm Friday August 31st- Monday Sept. 3 (arriving from 4-6pm). Meet at the church around 5:30pm so we can pack up and leave by 6:00pm. Bring snacks to share (meals are provided by us but snacks are not). Bring money for a meal on the way home as well as any spending money for the weekend. Wear appropriate bathing suits. Bring your Bible and a note pad. Bring your own sheets/towels.

REVIVAL - September 9-12, 2012 with Evangelist Dr. Michael Benson, Chaplain at Olivet Nazarene University in Kankakee, Illinois.  Services will take place at 9:30 AM on Sunday and at 6:00 PM on Sunday; 7:00 PM Monday - Wednesday. Plan now to be a part of each of these services. A special time for children KIDS KRUSADE (Revival) will also take place simultaneously with the revival services. Plan to be a part of these special services.

Prayer for Revival - The sanctuary will be open all day each Tuesday, and a special prayer meeting will take place at 5:30 pm each Tuesday evening.  

ALABASTER OFFERING will be received on September 30, 2012 in our AM service.  Please be preparing your Alabaster box and your offering of love.  The Alabaster offering is received twice each year in the Church of the Nazarene.  What is Alabaster?  Great question: The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the church consists of the people of God and not a building, buildings erected for the purpose of ministry help provide a sense of permanence, functionally enhance ministry efforts, and convey an  attitude that the Church of the Nazarene intends to "put down roots." Alabaster funds help provide land for many Work & Witness projects, and the entire Alabaster Offering goes toward the purchase of land and construction of churches, schools, medical facilities, and homes for missionaries and national workers.  For additional information you may click here. (This will open in a new window.)

ALL CHURCH WORK DAYS ANNOUNCED.  Saturday, September 29, 2012 and Saturday, October 6, 2012 are our fall clean up and work days for the church.  Saturday AM beginning at 8:00 AM to 12:00 NOON.  We are inviting all who would like to help around the church with the facilities to come and join us.  We will have supplies available, but we are requesting that you bring your own tools.  We will be working inside and outside the building.  For more information see Larry Sams or Pastor Ray they are making a concentrated effort to organize and announce the "job list" in advance of the work day so that the skills and interests of volunteers can be matched with the tasks that are to be accomplished.

Our condolences to the Smith family on the death of Roger Charles Smith.  We are praying for Ann, Judy and the family during this time of loss and life transition. Roger's obituary in the Greenville News may be read by clicking here.

 1201 Haywood Road, Greenville, SC. 29615
Chuck Fountain- Pastor; Tim Godby-Worship & Arts; Brenda Turner- Children & Families; Ray Moore-Associate; Milton Harrington-Pastoral Care; 
Midge Simpson- SLC Director; Wesley Steisslinger-Youth & Families

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