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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

GFCN Update for WEDNESDAY, May 16, 2012

“[God Is Present Among You] Jerusalem will be told: "Don't be afraid. Dear Zion, don't despair. Your God is present among you, a strong Warrior there to save you. Happy to have you back, he'll calm you with his love and delight you with his songs.” Zephaniah 3:17 MSG

Yesterday, I attended a funeral.  The funeral was for friend's wife, a brother in Christ and a fellow minister of the gospel, who is grieving and in need  of God's grace and mercy.  It is never easy to say good-bye to a loved one, but the glorious hope that we have in Jesus Christ is wonderful beyond belief.  We have the radical optimism of the gospel as a backdrop to the most difficult moments of our lives.  It is in those moments that we realize that "GOD IS ABLE!"  

In the darkest and most difficult moments of our lives, we have the presence and warmth of the Holy Spirit to surround and care for us.  We live with the hope of life that is endless.  We celebrate with anticipation of eternity.  Surrounded by the presence of God. TODAY we must make a memory with our families that will last a lifetime.  What are you going to do today that will be remembered?

Happening this week ...

Spring Share Project - Yard Sale, Bake Sale and Breakfast with proceeds going to benefit community compassionate needs and missionary outreach will take place on this Saturday, May 19, 2012 in the gym from 8AM to 12 PM.  Donations may be made anytime during the week by contacting the church office at 864-233-4890.

Annual Elections will take place here at Greenville First Church of the Nazarene on Sunday, May 20 in the new foyer (Haywood Road side) from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM each Sunday.  If you are a member of this local church you are invited and encouraged to vote on church board members, auxiliary directors, and delegates to district events.  For additional information please call the church office at 864-233-4890.  A sample ballot may be viewed by clicking here.

This Sunday, May 20, 2102 our children will present their spring musical entitled "Let's Worship Him."  This is the presentation that they made on their Work and Witness trip, and they are excited to present it to their families and friends.  Everyone is invited to be a part of this special time in the 9:30 AM service. 

Happening in the near future ...

Maggie Edwards;           Joseph Godby;           Nathanael Greene;         Heather Leigh;      
Merari Lopez;                 Alex Uram                  Rob Vereen

Sunday- May 27, 2012, 9:30 AM is our GRADUATION SUNDAY celebration!  Each graduate will have a display table in the Haywood Road Foyer and will be available for questions and answers,  for pictures and to receive your congratulations and gifts!

Fam Jam, a family Vacation Bible School will take place on Sunday June 3 - Wednesday, June 6.  An evening meal will be served each evening will the cost of $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for each child.  Make your plans now to be a part of this outreach event.

To download a sign up sheet for registration or meals click here.

Important information that you might need ...


Ken & Pam Huber are considering the call to missionary service with the Church of the Nazarene.  They are looking for a short term assignment somewhere in the world.  They have completed the initial steps of Cross-cultural training, recently in Nashville, Tennessee are awaiting the next steps in their adventure of serving the Lord Jesus Christ.  For a video click here.

Phil and Ruthie Webb, serving with NCM in Thailand have an article in the "ENGAGE" mission magazine.  To read this article click here.

Phil and Ruthie are originally from Greenville and are members at First Church of the Nazarene.

 1201 Haywood Road, Greenville, SC. 29615
Chuck Fountain- Pastor; Tim Godby-Worship & Arts; Brenda Turner- Children & Families; Ray Moore-Associate; Milton Harrington-Pastoral Care; 
Midge Simpson- SLC Director; TBD-Youth & Families

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