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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

GFCN Update for June 13, 2012

Sunday is Father's Day and we will focus on the importance of the men we call "DAD".  We will review "The Resolution" from the movie "Courageous" and invite men who are willing to step forward and make the resolution their own for the future.  It is a commitment to families and the church to be a man "after God's own heart."

"The Resolution" is downloadable by click here.  We will be challenged to live up to the commitments made and be the man that God has called us to be.  2 Timothy 2:2 tells us the kind of man we are to be, "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."  Paul challenged Timothy to be a learner, a teacher, a disciple and an example.  And God challenges, requires, us to be the same.  On Sunday we will also enjoy a sacred concert by "the" Michael Jackson and a free-will love offering will be received for his ministry.  

Youth Pastor Interview

This weekend, Friday, June 15 through Monday, June 18, we will host Wesley and Sarah Steisslinger.  They are interviewing for the Youth Ministry position.  They will be a part of the service on Sunday AM, will share with teens and leaders in the Sunday School time, will meet with the church board and other interested individuals at 5:00 PM on Sunday in the Bridge Cafe.  Please prayerfully assist us in the process of finding God's person for the next steps in ministry.   

NYI (Nazarene Youth International) Convention

Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at the Campground in Batesburg, South Carolina will be the annual South Carolina District NYI (Nazarene Youth International) convention for 2012.  Members of the youth leadership team are encouraged to participate.  We will leave the church at 10:00 AM promptly, to travel to Batesburg.  Please confirm your attendance with our NYI President, Rachel Hazel so that we can assure everyone has a ride for the day.  The PM service will conclude about 9 PM and we will be back at the church shortly after 11:00 PM.  

  All Church 4th July Picnic

Hot dogs, chips, baked beans, rattlesnake beans and snow cones to eat.  Horseshoes, Corn-hole, and other games to play.  Bring your friends and enjoy an evening of good food, fellowship and fun.  Beginning at 5:00 PM on July 4th at The Bridge Student Center.

Church Board organization for 2012-2013

The church board met on June 12, 2012 for the purpose of organization and the following were elected.  Please pray for these individuals as they organize their committees and get up to speed for the new year.
  • Secretary of the church board -  Nancy Schmitz
  • Treasurer - Ron Carlson
  • Chairperson of Finance Committee - Rob Edwards
  • Chairperson of Building and Properties Committee - Larry Sams
  • Chairperson of the Evangelism and Outreach Committee - Andri Angrino
  • Chairperson of the Worship and Program Committee - Jose Renteria
  • NMI (missions) PRESIDENT - Nancy Hicks
  • NYI (youth) PRESIDENT - Rachel Hazel
  • SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT & Chairperson of the Education Committee - Curtis Turner

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

GFCN Weekly Update - June 6, 2012

Today, June 6, is the 68th anniversary of the D-Day landing in Europe during World War II.  Thousands of young men stormed the beaches of France, preparing to bring down the Nazi invasion of Europe.  Many did not ever make it off the beaches and were buried a short distance from the battle. Others lived a few weeks or months as the invasion of Europe continued and the battle raged.  Some lived and returned home to their families and have lived out their natural lives.  Those 18-20 year-old young men who stormed the French beaches that day in 1944 are now 76 - 80 years old.  All served!  All gave! And all should be thanked!  If you know a veteran, especially a WW II veteran, why not take a moment and say "Thank you!" We enjoy the liberties and freedoms today because of the sacrifice of our veterans.  "Thank you all!"

The Word for Today

“My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17-19 MSG

If I can take a few moments of special privilege, this past weekend I had the opportunity to gather with family and celebrate my parent's 60th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations to Rev. Charles and Louise Fountain on this incredible milestone in their lives!  And this weekend, coming up, I will have the opportunity, to welcome family and, to dedicate my grand daughter Evangeline.  Family times are so incredibly important.  We have the opportunity and responsibility each day to make a memory.  What memory have you made today?  What memory will you make today?

Deuteronomy 1:18-21 in the Message translation is a great reminder -  MAKE A MEMORY.   
18-21 "Place these words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night. Inscribe them on the doorposts and gates of your cities so that you'll live a long time, and your children with you, on the soil that God promised to give your ancestors for as long as there is a sky over the Earth"

Upcoming Events 

This Sunday, June 10, is the first Family Picnic in the Park at Butler Springs Park

Children’s Ministries is sponsoring Family Picnic in  the Park on a Sunday of each month during the summer.  Bring your lunch, your games and your family for a time of fellowship and fun.  12:15 PM - 2:00 PM.  Sunday,  June 10,  July 1, August 5 and September 2 are the scheduled dates.  Any questions contact Pastor Brenda @ 864.233.4890  ext. 17 or by email


June 17, 2012 is FATHER'S DAY and we will host the Michael Jackson in a special sacred music concert.  He has sung here before but this will be the first time for a full musical presentation.  We will receive a free-will love offering for Micheal.  During the Father's Day service we will be focusing on "The Resolution" for men from the movie "Courageous" and challenging men to step up and be men of purpose and men after God's own heart.  On this weekend we will also be interviewing a potential youth pastor candidate, Wesley Steisslinger. Wesley and his wife, Sarah, will be with us in worship and present a short presentation and answer questions during the Sunday School hour with the youth.

All Church 4th July Picnic

Hot dogs, chips, baked beans and ice cream to eat.  Horseshoes, Corn-hole, Volleyball, and other games to play.  Bring your friends and enjoy an evening of good food, fellowship and fun.  Beginning at 5:00 PM on July 4th at The Bridge Student Center.

In the news of the week

Fam Jam - Kickin' It Old School is now history.  It was a great family time with good food, inflatables in the gym, interesting crafts, incredible music, wonderful skits and the teaching of God's Word.  Thank you to everyone who participated!  Those who prepared, presented, assisted, and attended... Thank you all!  What a great way to kick off the summer by "Kickin' it old school!"